
Office Staff


Accepted reasons for absences are outlined in the board policy. Attendance in school has a direct correlation to academic success. Phone calls may be made, letters may be sent home and visits to the home may be made when necessary. Parents are urged to contact the school when your child is absent. Truancy meetings are scheduled when attendance is a problem and charges may be filed.

Absence Notes

Absence notes must be turned in to the office within 3 days of absence. All notes must include the name of the student, date(s) of absence(s) or early dismissal, the reason and signature of parent or guardian. Please ask for a printed excuse for school records any time your child sees a medical professional. A parent will be called anytime a note or signature is questionable. NOTE: The limit for parent notes is 5 per year.

Tardy To School

Students are expected to be at school on time. If they are tardy to school, they must sign in at the office and get a tardy slip before going to class. 

Check out Notes

We feel that routine medical appointments should be made outside the normal school hours to avoid missing class. The student must turn in a note to the office within 3 days of the check out to be excused. NOTE: Any note turned in after the 3 day limit will not count. The tardy will remain unexcused.

Illness At School

If a student becomes ill during the school day, he/she will be sent to the school nurse. If the nurse determines the student needs to go home, a parent will be contacted. If the nurse sends your child home it is considered a doctor’s excuse. If, for some reason, a student calls to be picked up without seeing the nurse, they must bring a parent note to be excused. In an emergency situation, 911 will be contacted. 

Make-up of Missed Work

Making up missed work is a student’s responsibility, and they are expected to take the initiative to make up missed work if the absence is excused. The student is expected to meet with the teacher and get the make-up assignments or to schedule a make-up test at the discretion of the teacher (preferably after school). Any work not made up within 7 calendar days shall not be made up unless approved by the principal. You are advised to talk to teachers to get make-up assignments after-school. A zero is given for any assignment until the work is complete.